

現在,互聯網上已經有了成千上萬的網站,如果某類server3.htm' style='text-decoration:none;' >網頁寄存是專門賣電腦的,那麼我可以保證它們的風格一定都是差不多的。將你的網站建設的與眾不同可以讓人們更好地記住你的網站。同樣地,當他們希望獲取的服務恰巧是你的業務範圍之內的,那麼他們肯定會最先考慮你   Normally, web design website forgive visitor the information of product or service or organization. So, if your website was design well, it will make your products or services have the credibility, especially the content that must be clear and easy to read.   通常情況下,網頁設計網站能夠幫助訪問者更好地瞭解產品、服務或組織的資訊。所以,如果你的網站設計得很好,特別是內容清晰易讀,那麼這樣就可以使客戶對你的產品或服務產生一種信賴感。   Nowadays, there are millions of Web Design,and I'm sure that there are not too different in the style of Web Design because they are shown in the same type of computer. Designing your website to be conspicuous will make people remember and think of your website. Also, when they want to use service that is involve your business, they will think of you first.   現在,互聯網上已經有了成千上萬的網站,如果某類網站是專門賣電腦的,那麼我可以保證它們的風格一定都是差不多的。將你的網站設計的與眾不同可以讓人們更好地記住你的網站。同樣地,當他們希望獲取的服務恰巧是你的業務範圍之內的,那麼他們肯定會最先考慮你。   So, this is Tips and Tricks on Effective Web Design    因此,下面我將把有效的網頁設計提示和竅門推薦給你:    Time to Load 15 Seconds per 1 page. If your webpage is loaded more than that, it's too slow. Your visitors may change to see other websites because they don't like to wait. For those who use Dreamweaver can use a tool to check load time.Or you can check at http://www.alexa.com.   下載時間——最好是15秒內下載一頁。如果你的網頁載入時間超過了15秒,那麼這就太慢了。你的訪問者可能會選擇去其他網站,因為他再也不願意等待這麼長的時間。對於使用Dreamweaver開發的人來說,可以使用特定的工具來檢測下載時間。或者,你可以在http://www.alexa.com處檢測。    Match you product For example, If you are selling Mobile phone, design your website in modern style.   匹配你的產品——舉個例子來說,如果你是銷售手機的,網站就應該設計得時尚點。   Layout Think about your layout that must be suitable for your content in website. You may use the table. Tables load very fast because it is HTML code. You can use it everywhere you like: menu, home page, etc.   佈局——好好分析一下你的佈局,這些必須和網站的內容相適應。你可以使用表格來佈局。使用表格可以加快下載速度,因為它是HTML代碼,並且你可以在任何一處使用它,如:菜單、首頁。    Images Images can make your site look good, but it must suite for your content. Also, keep in mind that they take a long time to load, so use few images or thumbnail images per page that link to the bigger ones.   圖像——圖像可以使你的網站看上去感覺非常好,但是它必須和你的內容相符合;同時不要忘了,它會花去很長的載入時間。所以盡可能的使用小圖,然後設定為通過點擊後鏈結到大圖。    Information or Content Make sure that your information is clear and easy to understand. Split things up into paragraphs or sections. Don't make your page too long and avoid lots of text. If your content is very long, split into 2 or 3 pages. Note that people don't read but they skim it.   資訊或內容——確定你的資訊是清晰易懂的,並且將所有的東西拆分成些許段落和片斷。盡可能不要讓你的頁面看上去太大,因此,需要儘量避免使用大篇幅的文章。如果文章的內容確實很長,盡可能把它分成2-3頁顯示,這樣可以暗示閱讀者,如果他們不想讀了,可以把它撇去。    Link Organize your links to be easy for understanding. Try to have a menu to go to other parts of your website in every pages. Don't make your visitors click on Back Button. Also it's look good, if you have a link to the top of page like "Go to Top". Also avoid of the broken link.   鏈結——鏈結也需要通俗易懂。最好在每個頁面上安上一個功能表,訪問者可以通過這個功能表訪問站點中的所有頁面。儘量不要讓訪問者點擊“返回”按鈕;你也可以放上“返回頁首”的鏈結;還有很重要的一點就是:避免出現無效的鏈結。    Logo Design your logo to match your website. Make your logo easy to remember and prominent.   Logo——設計一個與你的網站相匹配的logo。使你的logo看上去清晰可辨、效果凸顯。    Color of Backgrounds and Text A good background is not only a white page but also other colour. Be careful to choose a background and text color that is not overpowering to the eyes. Note that it must be readable.   背景顏色和文本顏色——一個優秀的背景色可以是白色,同樣也可以是其他的顏色。選擇的背景色和字體顏色對比度不能太明顯,不能太刺激視覺。確定它的易讀性。    Community People will like your website if there is something to do on your website. Add something like vote, forum or guest book etc.   社團——如果人們可以在你的網站上做些事情,那麼他們就會非常願意訪問你的網站。因此,你可以在網站上加一些類似於投票、論壇或留言本一樣的功能。    Keep it simple You don't have to use advance technology to your web site. Believe me most of people find free in formation, so you just make your site easy to understand and dynamic content .Also, use simple language in you website.   保持簡單的風格——你不必使用高深的網路技術來創建你的server1_A.htm' style='text-decoration:none;' >網站。相信我,大多數人都對站點的訪問輕鬆自由,因此,你必須使你的網站簡明易懂,適當時,可以加上一些動態的內容。還有就是要在網站上使用簡單的語言。    Site Map, Contact Us Don't leave them. Site Map may help your visitors find pages, when they get lose and it also good for search engine. As for Contact Us page, it's made when people want to contact you for any suggestion, especially you will get visitors' E-mail for E-mail marketing.   站點地圖、聯繫我們——不要放棄它。當人們在網站中迷失方向時,站點地圖將幫助訪問者查找頁面,這同樣對搜索引擎的搜錄也大有好處。如“聯繫我們”頁面,當人們希望為你提出一些意見時,它就派上用場了,特別是你將獲取訪問者的E-mail來瞭解E-mail市場。    Try out CSS Styles Designing website with CSS Styles in your website will reduce the code in your website that can load faster.   使用CSS樣式——使用CSS樣式來設計你的網站將會減少網站中的代碼量,並使你的網站載入速度更快。    Flash Be careful because it's make your website beautiful but search engine don't like Flash and it take long time to load. However, if you really want to use flash, use it within an HTML site and make sure it load fast.   Flash——特別要注意的是,使用flash可以使你的網站看上去更加美觀,但是搜索引擎卻不會搜錄它,而且它也會延緩頁面的載入速度。如果你希望使用flash,盡可能將它用在HTML站點中,並保證載入時間不要太長。    Free Service Give your visitors some free service. It may make your customer impressive your site   免費服務——為你的訪問者提供一些免費服務,這會使訪問者對你的網站留下深刻的印象。

